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ENT Surgery

Medical and surgical services are provided by the ENT department, which deals with a wide range of issues affecting the ear, nose, throat, and head and neck. Skull base surgeries, endoscopic nasal surgeries, ear, and cochlear implants are all performed by a team of highly-trained ENT specialists. When it comes to dealing with congenital disorders and facial deformities that may arise during childbirth, the doctors are highly effective and collaborate with other specialists. The patient's complete care is ensured by collaboration with other medical specialties.

There are many conditions that can be treated by, the team's specialists in the ear, nose, and throat area:

Endoscopic / Microscopic Surgery Of Ear / Nose / Throat

At Pancham Hospitals Otolaryngology, endoscopic ear surgery is being pioneered. It’s possible to perform an endoscopic ear surgery entirely through the ear canal, making it a less invasive procedure in some cases. During ear surgery, surgeons can make good use of the endoscope as one of two tools available to them. A microscope is another piece of equipment. An endoscopy of the nasal and sinus passages is performed as part of this procedure. This procedure is carried out with the aid of an endoscope. There’s a tiny camera and a light inside this thin, flexible tube. Inserting a long, flexible tube (endoscope) down your throat and into your oesophagus is the goal of an endoscopy procedure. An endoscope has a camera attached to the end that allows your doctor to view your oesophagus, stomach, and the beginning of your small intestines (duodenum).

Decreased Hearing / Ringing Sensation in Ear

Hearing loss in one ear can be caused by earwax, an ear infection, a burst eardrum, or Ménière’s disease, among other possibilities. Both ears may have been damaged by a loud noise or medication that affects hearing suddenly.

One or both of your ears may ring or make other noises when you’re suffering from tinnitus. In the case of tinnitus, there is no external sound that is causing the noise that you hear. Many people suffer from tinnitus. It affects between 15 and 20 percent of the population and is more common among the elderly.

Persistent Discharge From Nose / Ear

Allergies, infections, and nasal polyps are among the most common culprits. Food, medication, and hormonal changes can also cause a constant, clear runny nose. In most cases, OTC medications and home remedies can be used to alleviate a runny nose.

Chronic suppurative otitis media is a persistent and painless discharge of pus or fluid from the ear that can last for months at a time. conditions like cystic fibrosis or congenital heart disease that can increase the risk of complications.

Painless Ear Cleaning

Wax should be melted. With an eyedropper and a few drops of baby oil, you can do this (mineral oil, glycerin, or hydrogen peroxide). Use lukewarm water instead of cold. Once the wax has softened, gently squirt warm water into your ear canal with a rubber bulb syringe. Dry out your ear canal with a cotton swab.

Obstructions Of Ear / Nose / Throat

Earwax (cerumen), scar tissue, a foreign object, or an insect may obstruct the ear canal. There are many reasons why foreign objects can get stuck in the ear canal, such as beads, erasers, and beans being inserted.

Any obstruction of the nose’s airways, whether in one or both nostrils, is referred to as nasal obstruction. Most often, nasal obstruction is brought on by swollen nasal tissue or an anatomical obstruction, both of which narrow the nasal cavity and cause a sense of congestion.

When the upper airways become obstructed or narrowed, it becomes difficult to inhale and exhale.

Corrective Surgery of Nasal

Cutting, repositioning, and replacing cartilage or bone are some of the techniques used in septoplasty. Within the nose, small incisions are made by the surgeon.

Septum and Blockage

In the nose, there is a cartilage that separates the nostrils, the septum. As a rule, it sits in the middle and evenly divides each nostril. It is common for people to have an uneven septum, which results in one nostril being larger than the other. The term “deviated septum" refers to severe unevenness. As a result of this, some people experience symptoms like nasal congestion or breathing difficulties.

Surgery for tonsils

On each side, there are two oval-shaped pads of tissue known as tonsils, which are surgically removed. Tonsillitis and inflammation of the tonsils were once treated with a tonsillectomy (tonsillitis).

Both medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat are handled by otolaryngologists. The team of ENT doctors takes great care of their patients.